Student Affairs Building, Office 1
Barda Konstantia
Harokopio University
El. Venizelou 70, 176 71 Kallithea
Phone: (210) 95 49 116
FAX: (210) 95 49 252
E-mail: career at hua dot gr
The modern era in which we live requires not only the acquisition of knowledge, but mainly the best possible application of that knowledge in practice.
Unfortunately, however, the conditions prevailing in the labor market and the inadequate vocational guidance often force university graduates either to remain unemployed or to find employment in areas that are not related to their field of study.
The Liaison Office aims to move in this direction, as well as towards better utilization of undergraduate students in the labor market.
A Liaison Office does not promise to find jobs for all students and graduates who contact it. However, it promises to provide the necessary information so that the student can choose the job that suits him/her, or if he/she wishes, to pursue postgraduate studies in the country or abroad.
Thus, the basic purpose of the Liaison Office is to develop two-way communication between the academic community and businesses or other productive entities, where students or graduates could be absorbed, utilizing their knowledge effectively.
The institution of Liaison Offices, although quite common in foreign universities, is still in its infancy in our country.
Harokopio University, as a new University, is interested not only in the proper scientific training of its students but also in their subsequent professional careers, has established a Liaison Office with the main objective of facilitating communication between students and graduates with the labor market.
The function of the Liaison Office consists of the following activities:
1. Provision of information
The information provided by the Career Office includes:
– Collection of information on internship and employment opportunities in the job market, as well as information on training seminars, postgraduate studies, and scholarships. This information is provided to students and graduates of the University.
– Updating the job market on the work of the University Departments and the potential of their student workforce.
– Informing students and graduates of the University about ways to search for and compete for a job position, as well as behavior in an interview.
– Organization of seminars with the participation of business executives, aimed at informing students and graduates about the qualifications required for a job position, as well as the situation prevailing in various sectors of the labor market. This also provides the opportunity for students and graduates to have a first meeting with employers.
2. Advisory activities
During the difficult transitional period when a student or graduate moves from the academic to the work environment, providing support and advice for making decisions related to professional career is important.
To this end, the staff of the Career Office, as well as the members of the University’s faculty, are available to students and graduates in an effort to help them identify their skills and qualifications. This will increase the chances of students following the professional direction or postgraduate programs that will best utilize the knowledge they gained during their studies at the University.
All of the above support processes for the student or graduate are activated immediately after completing a resume, which is submitted to the Career Office.
Graduates of University departments have the opportunity to work professionally both in the public and private sectors.
Graduates of the Department of Economics and Sustainable Development
In secondary education. In services of the Ministries of Agriculture and Welfare. In Professional Training Institutes. In OAED Apprenticeship Schools. In agricultural and consumer cooperatives and associations. In Soft Tourism organizations, food distribution businesses, Local and Regional Self-Government Organizations, etc. In programs and studies concerning: Popular Education. Local – Community – Regional Development. Consumer information. Environmental Protection, etc.
Graduates of the Department of Dietetics-Nutrition Science
In healthcare facilities and providers of health services for the nutritional education of patients and individuals with special nutritional needs, as well as in social welfare institutions. In the food industry for promoting products, as well as for the design, modification and evaluation of new food products. In mass production and distribution units of meals, as well as in mass feeding units. In research centers where they participate in the design, development, and evaluation of metabolic, nutritional and epidemiological programs.
Graduates of the Department of Geography
In industrial, tourist and commercial businesses. In banks. In insurance, advertising and consulting companies. In map-making companies. In local and regional development organizations. In social economy entities. In Ministries (Ministry of Economy and Development, National Defense, etc.), services and organizations (Hellenic Coast Guard, Land Registry and Mapping Organization, etc.). In international organizations. In education.
Graduates of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications
In private businesses of all scales and fields (banks, insurance companies, consulting firms, etc.), in IT and research organizations, in the public and wider public sector, in international organizations, and in education.