The Student Counseling Center, which was founded in 2001 by decision of the University Senate, aims to provide counseling and psychological support to undergraduate and graduate students of all Departments of the University.
The Senate of Harokopio University (Decision no. 372/17.10.2019) in honor of the late Professor Aikaterini Maridakis Kasotaki, former Vice-Rector of the University, who herself initiated the founding of the Counseling Center, has decided to rename it the “Aikaterini Maridakis Kasotaki Counseling Center“.
Professor Aikaterini Maridakis Kasotaki had made a significant contribution to the administration of the University, having served twice as Vice-Rector, as well as to its daily life as an academic teacher. The most important achievement of her efforts is the Counseling Center, which she left as a legacy to the University and which she served with great passion.
Dr. George Tsitsas, Counseling Psychologist, EDIP
Angeliki Kyvelou, PhD Candidate, Psychotherapist, Administrative Employee
Center of Student Counseling, Harokopio University,
El. Venizelou 70, 176 76, Kallithea
Tel. 210-9549338, 210-9549292, e-mail: kesym at hua dot grThe Center of Student Counseling operates from Monday to Friday from 9:00-15:00.
> Activities
Individual Counseling
Individual counseling involves providing psychological and counseling support during individual sessions, and is provided to students who face personal problems (difficulties in adapting to the new environment, decision-making difficulties, lack of interest, psychosomatic manifestations, eating disorders, phobias, depression, anxiety, addiction, etc.), study-related problems (learning difficulties, exam anxiety, poor time management, etc.), communication problems with parents, friends, or partners, or problems related to life events (illness, death, disasters, etc.).
Group Counseling
Group counseling involves providing psychological and counseling support during group sessions that take place throughout the academic year. The following are indicative topics of these sessions:
- Personal development and self-awareness
- Mindfulness development
- Improving interpersonal relationships
- Developing assertive behavior
- Developing creative expression
- Anxiety management
- Anger management
- Time management
- Developing communication skills
The counseling approaches used during group sessions are cognitive-behavioral (CBT), systemic, existential, and gestalt therapy.
Counseling Services
The aim of Counseling Services is to provide counseling and psychological support to graduates of the University Departments in order to help them deal with the difficulties they face in their daily lives as professionals. This service is provided at a group level.
To apply for one or more of the above actions, click here.
Tele-counseling refers to the provision of specialized counseling assistance through the internet. It is addressed to students and graduates of the University who are unable to see a Counselor-Psychologist in person, or prefer remote communication due to easier access to electronic media. Tele-counseling does not offer the opportunity for personal contact between counselor and client. For this reason, it cannot replace a comprehensive counseling process.
Interested parties can submit their questions here.
The privacy of communication between students and the staff of the Center is ensured for all of the above actions.
Other Activities
The Center of Student Counseling “Aikaterini Maridakis Kasotaki” organizes seminars, conferences and events related to psychopedagogical issues or issues that promote quality of life. It also collaborates with primary and secondary education schools for the implementation of programs aimed at developing the emotional intelligence of students, informing students and teachers about issues related to school violence and misconduct, informing teachers about ways to deal with learning difficulties, developing teachers’ communication skills, and more.
> Useful Contacts
Psychological Counseling Service for Students (E.Psy.Sy.Foi)
(formerly “Student Counseling Center – S.K.F.”)
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
School of Philosophy,
Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology,
Psychology Sector,
University Campus, 157 84 Athens
Phone: 210 – 727 7553 / 4
Fax: 210 – 727 7553
E-mail: skf (at) cc.uoa.gr
Web: www.uoa.gr/skf
Counseling Office
(in collaboration with the Athens Mental Health Center)
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Faculty of Theology, Department of Social Theology,
Christian Worship, Education and Communication Sector, University Campus, 157 84 Athens
Phone: 210 – 727 5775
Fax: 210 – 727 5775
E-mail: astavrop (at) soctheol.uoa.gr
Language Speaking Counseling Center (S.K.O.)
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Department of Education and Training in Early Childhood,
Hippocrates 35, 6th floor, 106 80 Athens
Phone: 210 – 368 8533, 368 8507
Fax: 210 – 368 8510
E-mail:sykeom (at) ecd.uoa.gr
Counseling and Psychological Support Center (KE.SY.PSY)
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Social Policy Committee AUTh,
Administration Building “K. Karatheodori”, 540 06 Thessaloniki
Tel: 2310 – 992 643
Fax: 2310 – 995 360
E-mail: efklides (at) psy.auth.gr
Web: students.auth.gr/prwtoeths/kesipsi_what.html
Student Counseling Center of the Mental Health Center, Central Sector, 2nd Psychiatric Clinic (SSSF/KKPSY etc.)
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Student Club Health Service, AUTh
Tel: 2310 – 992 654, 548 113
Fax: 2310 – 511 981
Web: students.auth.gr/prwtoeths/stathmos.html
Counseling Center of the University of Piraeus (SY.KE.P.P.)
University of Piraeus
80 Karaiskaki & Dimitriou St., 185 34 Piraeus
Tel: 210 – 414 2042-3,8
Fax: 210 – 414 2328
E-mail: kkounen (at) unipi.gr, epapadak (at) unipi.gr
Web: www.unipi.gr/counsel_center/
Counseling Center of the University of Ioannina (S.KE.P.I.)
University of Ioannina
University Campus, 451 10 Ioannina
Tel: 26510 – 96 600
Fax: 26510 – 96 600
E-mail: skepi (at) cc.uoi.gr
Web: www.uoi.gr/gr/services/skepi/
Harokopio University of Athens
Counseling Center of Harokopio University
Harokopio University of Athens
Department of Home Economics and Ecology,
El. Venizelou 70, 176 71 Athens
Phone: 210 – 957 7051 (ext. 207)
Fax: 210 – 957 7050
E-mail: kmaridaki (at) hua.gr
University of Thessaly
Counseling Service of the Career Office of the University of Thessaly
University of Thessaly
Career Office
Pedion Areos, Athens Avenue, 38334 Volos
Phone: 24210 – 74141
Fax: 24210 – 74142
E-mail: akoletti (at) uth.gr
Athens University of Economics and Business
Mental Health Counseling Service
Athens University of Economics and Business
76 Patission, 10434 Athens
Phone: 210 – 820 3239
Fax: 210 – 822 6204
E-mail: counseling (at) aueb.gr
Athens Technological Educational Institute
Social Service (S.S.)
Athens Technological Educational Institute
School of Health and Welfare Professions,
Department of Social Work,
Ag. Spyridonos, 122 10 Aigaleo
Phone: 210 – 538 5129
Fax: 210 – 531 4819
E-mail: koinyp (at) teiath.gr
Web: www.teiath.gr/verwalt/social_service
Counseling Service of the Liaison Office of TEI Piraeus
Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus
Liaison Office,
P. Ralli & Thebes 250, 122 44 Egaleo
Tel: 210 – 538 1294
Fax: 210 – 569 1705
E-mail: counsellor (at) gdias.teipir.gr
Web: gdias.teipir.gr
Municipality of Kallithea – Municipal Health Center
Family Counseling Center
Andromachis 100, 176 71 Kallithea
Phone: 210-9579090, 210-9532718
Fax: 210-9566680, 210-9532719
E-mail: sko (at) otenet.gr
Municipality of Kallithea – Municipal Health Center
Psychological and Psychiatric Clinic
Andromachis 100, 176 71 Kallithea
Phone: 210-9532712
Prevention Center for addiction of the municipalities of Kallithea, Moschato and Tavros STATHMOS
Patriarch Gregory V’ 65, PC 176 76, Kallithea
Phone: 210 – 9537215-6,
Fax: 210 – 9537215
E-mail: kepstath (at) otenet.gr
Hours of operation: Monday – Friday, 8.30 – 15.00
Web: http://www.ektepn.gr/Bases/by_area/attiki/prolipsi/a6.htm
Open Therapeutic Program of THISEAS under the auspices of the Municipality of Kallithea
THISEAS operates daily by appointment
Arapaki 33, 176 76 Kallithea
Contact and information at phone: 210-9587117
Fax: 210-9591282